Club Officers
Chris Scheder
Vice President
James Coppersmith
Becky Coppersmith
Scott Ledermann

Hunt Tests
Waterfowl Training
Upland Training

About Us:
Fun times-new friendships-camaraderie-knowledge-laughter a few words that come to my mind when I think HMHRC. The purpose of the club is dedicated to the training of hunting retrievers and to promote conservation of wildlife, safety and hunting. HMHRC is affiliated with the United Kennel Club (UKC), and the Hunting Retriever Club (HRC). Some members of the club often participate in hunt tests, but more importantly we train together to improve our retriever's skills and ourselves as hunters/handlers. Mostly on weekends and occasionally during the week, we train as a group. Novice trainers gain knowledge and guidance from more advance members. April to September is training for retriever skills (waterfowl). December to March is training for upland hunting. The club gets together for special events: Christmas/Awards dinner, group upland hunt, barbeque/training day, seminars and the club sponsors two UKC licensed events; a June Regular Hunt Test and a February Upland Hunt Test. Come out and train with us and watch a Hunting Retriever Champion (HRCH) in action. Learn how to unleash the power in your retriever.